God and Muslims

By F. Kamal

I remember reading about an American Muslim’s journey of discovery. She had, I recall, noted that some of native peoples from the very cold regions of the world had perhaps many1 names for variations on the words “snow or ice.” Obviously it played an important role in their lives.

1 The actual number may be disputed.

It was also noted that Americans had many terms for the word money. ( Buck, greenback, grand, dough, moola are some that come to mind). Money certainly plays an important role in popular American culture. It then struck her how Muslims had “99 names for God.” Here are a few of those names for God.


The Compassionate, The Beneficent


The Merciful

Did you know that every Chapter (except one) in the Quran begins in the name of Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem. This gives great comfort to Muslims.


The Loving

And He [God] is the Forgiving, the Loving” Quran 85.14-16

… And God is always close to you.

“We verily created man and We know what his soul whispers to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.” Quran 50:16

As Muslims would note, it is not possible for Him to be closer to you, so one should never despair of God’s sublime care.


The Great Forgiver, The Forgiver


The Just


The Generous One, The Bountiful, The Gracious

Did you know that Muslim “accounting” is unique among religions?

Sahih Bukhari 8.498: The Prophet narrated about his Lord, “God ordered (the appointed angels over you) that the good and the bad deeds be written, and He then showed (the way) how (to write). If somebody intends to do a good deed and he does not do it, then God will write for him a full good deed (in his account with Him); and if he intends to do a good deed and actually did it, then God will write for him (in his account) with Him (its reward equal) from ten to seven hundred times to many more times: and if somebody intended to do a bad deed and he does not do it, then God will write a full good deed (in his account) with Him, and if he intended to do it (a bad deed) and actually did it, then God will write one bad deed (in his account).”

God is indeed very generous to Muslims.


The Wise, The Judge of Judges


The All-knowing, The Knowledgeable


The Responsive, The Hearkener


The Source of Peace

Thus it is obvious that it is an extraordinary privilege for Muslims to strive to place God at the center of their lives. But worshiping God and placing Him at the center of one’s life is not to benefit God but rather the individual. It should be obvious by now that man’s submission to God is not for God’s benefit but for ours.

Consider this saying:

Abu Dharr reported God’s Messenger as saying that God said: My servants, I have made oppression unlawful for Me and unlawful for you, so do not commit oppression against one another. My servants, all of you are liable to err except one whom I guide on the right path, so seek right guidance from Me so that I should direct you to the right path. O My servants, all of you are hungry except one whom I feed, so ask food from Me, so that I may give that to you. O My servants, all of you are naked except one whom I provide garments, so ask clothes from Me, so that I should clothe you. O My servants, you commit error night and day and I am there to pardon your sins, so ask pardon from Me so that I can grant you pardon. O My servants, you can neither do Me any harm nor can you do Me any good. O My servants, even if the whole human race, and that of jinns, became as pious as the most of pious of you nothing would add to My Power. O My servants, even the whole human race and that of the Jinns became like the most wicked of you, it would cause no loss to My Power. O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race and that of jinns also were to all stand up and ask of Me and I confer upon every person what he asks for, it would not. in any way, cause any loss to Me (even less) than that which is caused to the ocean by dipping the needle in it. My servants, your deeds will be accrued and I shall compensate you for them, so if you find any good in your deeds, praise God, and as for him who finds otherwise in his deeds, do not blame anyone but your ownself. (Sahih Muslim Book 032, Number 6246)

If you ever tried to count God’s favors, you would never be able to enumerate them all. Quran 14:34

(Excerpt from book "Easily Understand Islam")

Click to read sample chapters from the book below

Table of Contents


Section I: The Basics

What Islam is Not

What Is Islam?

Section II: General Articles

Why is there Evil and Suffering?

Why I Believe in God — A Muslim Speaks

The Quran, Modern Science, and More

Islam & Racism

Islam: A Solution for America’s Social Problems?

God and Muslims

Selections from the Quran

Some Muslim Virtues (Sayings of the Prophet)

Section III: Other Topics

Islam & the Environment

Islam & Intoxicants

Heaven and Hell


Section IV: Islam & Christianity


Common Ground: Judaism, Christianity & Islam


Muhammad in the Bible


Jesus: Man and God?

Vicarious Atonement in the “Blood of the Lamb”

The Bible & Modern Science

The Bible and the Word of God

Quran Preserved?

Section V: Islamic Resources

Islam Resources

Other books by F. Kamal