The Bible & Modern Science

By F. Kamal

This is an examination of the Bible and modern science focusing on three selected topics: The order of creation, the dates of creation, and Noah’s flood.

Genesis details the Biblical order of creation (Rough Chronology according to Genesis Chapter One)


This lists the sequence of creation according to the Bible:

First Day: There was the earth and heavens, darkness and water. God then created light.

Second Day: The firmament (e.g. dome/arch/expanse of sky) was built.

Third Day: Earth appears as waters grouped into seas. Earthly vegetation and fruits appear.

Fourth Day: Sun, stars, moon are set up as “lights” in the firmament (Gen 1:16).

Fifth Day: Winged fowls, great whales, “the waters brought forth” moving creatures

Sixth Day: Cattle, creeping things, beasts of the earth. Finally man.


1) Scientifically, the earth is not believed to have existed at the “beginning” and in a time before the stars as described in Genesis. Earth occurs fairly late in the universe (around 4.5 billion years ago). The “beginning” of the universe is around 13.7 billion years ago.

2) The earth and earthly vegetation bearing fruits (Gen 1:12,13) appear on day three before the stars, sun, and moon (Gen 1:16, 19) appear on the fourth day. Plant like organisms have indeed recently been discovered in very deep (e.g., light deprived) oceans possibly subsisting via thermal/volcanic nutrition. But, earthly fruit bearing vegetables as described in Genesis are unlikely to have survived without sunlight (especially if the days are not 24 hour days, but long periods) — although perhaps “light” and “darkness” might sustain them “somehow?” Modern science currently believes the stars, sun, and moon developed before vegetation and fruits on earth.

3) It is unclear how physical “day and night” can exist on earth (Genesis 1:4-5) before the sun (Genesis 1:16). After all, “day and night” is normally generated by the interaction of the sun’s light with the earth’s rotation on its axis.

4) There is a contradiction in Genesis about the order of creation, Genesis 2:5-9 (“J” strand or the Yahwist source) appears to strongly imply man’s creation before vegetation. Other Genesis passages (Gen 1:12,13,16,19; “P” strand) place vegetation before man.

Creation Dates

Biblical Chronology

Analysis of Genesis and the genealogies in Luke and Mark, along with the other chronological markers mentioned in the Bible, compared with well known secular records such as the building of the first temple around 965 BCE can be used to establish the dates of creation. 1 This can be juxtaposed against current scientific knowledge for purposes of elucidation, criticism, and commentary.

1 Most Biblical scholars place the temple around 966 BCE.

Biblical Timeline

According to Genesis, man (e.g. Adam, 2) appears on the sixth day of creation 3. Further, Genesis allows one to date Abraham around 2000 years after Adam.4 Biblical scholars using similar techniques place Abraham around twenty centuries before Christ. 5 Creation is therefore placed around 4000 BCE or around 6000 years ago. 6

2 Adam, first man, also based on 1 Cor.15:45 & 47

3 It has been suggested that the creation days were not 24 hour type days. First, the Hebrew word yawm could be used to refer to long periods. Secondly, time is an unusual concept. This is noted in 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4, where a day can be like a thousand years. This is a perfectly valid point and would easily allow for a more ancient creation under normal conditions. Unfortunately, there are two points that make it difficult for Christians to argue this point.

First, other Biblical verses explicitly qualify the creation days as normal days — not long periods. Specifically see:

Genesis 1:5 God calleth to the light `Day,’ and to the darkness He hath called `Night;’ and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day one.

Exodus 20:8-11: Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day. Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all thy works. But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them, and rested on the seventh day: therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.

Exodus 31:14-17 Keep the sabbath, therefore; for it is holy unto you; every one that profaneth it shall certainly be put to death: yea, whoever doeth work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his peoples. Six days shall work be done; but on the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord: whoever doeth work on the sabbath day shall certainly be put to death. And the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations—[it is] an everlasting covenant. It shall be a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever; for [in] six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

(The counter argument presented for this has been that the days represent “units of work” not actual 24 hour days.)

A possible seond reason, perhaps more theologically thorny problem, is present is these verses:

Romans 5:12: For this [cause], even as by one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death; and thus death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

I Corith 15:21-22: for since through man [is] the death, also through man [is] a rising again of the dead, for even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive

(Also maybe see Romans 8:22)

Was there death and affliction before Adam? How does this affect the notion of (physical) death arising because of sin? Was there death and affliction before Adam? It is difficult for death not to occur over thousands of years. (Science, based on consistent index fossil layering in the sedimentary strata suggests many species members died before the advent of man. Furthermore, the bracketing (in time) of these strata by intrusion of igneous dikes and presence of volcanic ash beds have allowed radiometric dating to establish upper and lower bounds of absolute dating for various strata. Individual strata have thus been shown to cover several thousand years. See brief discussion in the US Geological Survey article http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/contents.html). Also some of the oldest known life (fossils), stromatolite fossils (Western Australia) apparently date back about 3,500 million years. Thus there are many possible theological repercussions related to original sin, salvation, and the theory of atonement if one goes down this line of thought.

We should also ask about some English translations of the meaning of the Quran which speak of six “days” of creation. (Note: There is no notion of God resting on the seventh day. Muslims reject the contradictory notion that an omnipotent being would require “rest.”) It should be noted that the Arabic term yaum can also refer to long periods, so the translation could just as easily have read six periods instead of six days. Therefore this problem does not arise in the Quran. Some have tried to push this point with questionable hadith. But, questionable hadith – as any Muslim knows–do not form a foundation of Islam. If a particular hadith is proved unreliable, Islam still stands. There is indeed an entire Islamic science for separating authentic hadith from weak or unreliable ones. Therefore, this is not a problem for Muslims.

4 Genesis 5:3 (Adam & Seth), 5:6 (Enos), 5:9( Cainan), 5:12 (Mahalaleel), 5:15 (Jared), 5:18 (Enoch), 5:21 (Methuselah), 5:25 (Lamech), 5:28-29 (Noah), 5:32;11:10;7:6(Shem), 11:10 (Arphaxad), 11:12 (Salah), 11:14 (Eber), 11:16 (Peleg), 11:18 (Reu), 11:20 (Serug), 11:22 (Nahor),11:24 (Terah), 11:26;11:32;12:4 (Abraham). Note: There are no “gaps” in this reading.

5 There are many ways to reach this number. Here is one quick approximation. I Kings 6:1 shows exodus about 480 years before the first temple (950 BCE – 480 BCE = 1430 BCE). Galatians 3: 17 shows Abraham’s covenant with a gap of 430 years or 1860 BCE when Abraham was 75 (Genesis 12:1-4) putting Abraham’s birth around 1935 BCE or around 20 centuries before Christ. (A more common method compiles the time of bondage and the ages of the patriarchs after establishing the date of the exodus from I King 6:1 and the building of the temple.)

6 Note dating variations can occur since there are several inconsistent Biblical texts and traditions. For example, in the Hebrew Pentateuch, creation is estimated at 4004 BCE but 5872 BCE in the Greek Septuagint, 4700 BCE Samaritan, and 4004 BCE for the well known Usher estimate.

Current scientific thought

(A sampling of “clocks”)

Biological estimates

Genetic dating techniques, suggest that an “Eve” would have lived at least 6,500 years ago. Exact time estimates for “Eve” (or a possible age of humans) vary based on models and assumptions and may be different from each other. 7 This technique analyzed mitochondrial DNA variations among an ethnically diverse group of individuals. (Mitochondrial DNA — unlike nucleic DNA — is only inherited from one’s mother, who herself inherited it from her mother, who inherited from her mother, back to a common maternal ancestor). If there were no mutation, everyone in the sampled population’s mitochondrial DNA would be the same (e.g. from Eve), but it does mutate. Assuming a fairly constant mutation rate to account for the diversity in the sample group, 8 an extrapolated time for a common maternal ancestor is suggested. A significant number of important scientists believe that modern humans are at least 100,000 years old (and probably much older).9 10

7 This area is currently unsettled, Different sources give substantially different estimates. Some estimates (using certain assumptions) can be substantially above 6,500 years. One should read the various sources (particularly the assumptions) carefully if one is interested in this area.

8 Diversity of sample. Structural issues: Mitochondrial DNA (MtDNA) of women who don’t have daughters won’t be passing on MtDNA past their sons, and it will pass out of the MtDNA pool forever after the first generation. Sampling issues: Extreme example. If the only people left alive on the earth were you and your cousins, a sampling might not show any MtDNA variations resulting in time to a common ancestor of maybe eighty years (e.g., grandmother). Such a number is more useful as a lower bound rather than an absolute number to determine a “mitochondrial Eve” for humans in general. Assumptions about mutation rate. Is it constant? Short time “reversible”? etc.

9 There is a male counterpart to “mitochondrial Eve” (or more precisely matrilineal most recent common ancestor). This male counterpart is called “Y-chromosome Adam” (or more precisely patrilineal human most recent common ancestor).

Y-chromosomes that are transmitted in a direct line from father to son are largely unchanged except for random mutations over time. For example, if a specific rate of change is assumed, the changes can be rolled back to date the oldest father in such a line based on certain assumptions. Using a similar techniques to those discussed and certain assumptions, geneticist Spencer Wells has dated the oldest father in such a transmission line, and based on a certain population sample, to a certain number of years. [Update:A new addition (Albert Perry) to the analyzed “population”, may dramatically increase the age of “Y-chromosome Adam” – perhaps very significantly beyond 140,000 years.]

There are several methods that have been used to date humans. Currently, there are scientists that believe that modern humans have been around for at least 100,000 years. The actual timescale among many different scientists may depend on what evidence and methods they accord greater weight to and to evidence and techniques that will be uncovered in the future.

Some familiar to the theories discussed by population geneticists and molecular biologists may look at things like genes (DNA/MtDNA, etc.) While examining DNA/MtDNA they may use concepts like genetic drift and/or Monte Carlo simulations/combinatorial/statistical arguments. Others like archaeologists, paleoanthropologists and paleoclimatologists may take a greater interest in our environment (for example, fossil record, isotopes in ice cores). Furthermore, the assumptions used in each model, could dramatically impact projected results. So all assumptions (particularly hidden, implicit ones) should be carefully analyzed. These results may not all agree precisely, and may themselves be subject to revision. In conclusion, this area appears to be in some flux.

10 Widespread use of the terms “Mitochondrial Eve” and “Y-chromosomal Adam” is unfortunate. The discussed techniques of mitochondrial DNA and y-chromosome analysis do not “prove” the existence of a scriptural “Adam” and “Eve.” For example, it is possible for opponents to suggest that other females lived at the time of “mitrochondrial Eve” but that they were wiped out in catastrophic event and “Eve” survived. There are however different theories that talk about the lack of genetic diversity in humans compared to other species and suggest possible population bottlenecks.


Ice cores are similar to tree rings. Analysis of ice cores shows at least 30,000 “summer and winter bands” suggesting a lower bound of at least 30,000 years for the age of the earth. 11

11 Wise (1998a:171)

Physics estimates

Radiometric dating techniques used to establish age of the solar system: Radiometric dating exploits the decay of radioactive isotopes over periods called half–lives to record the passage of time. Using various isotope methods (Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd) on many different meteorites, a lower bound for the date of the solar system has been put at around 4.5 billion years. 12 (Note: The solar system itself formed fairly long after the universe came into being.)

12 Actually an even more robust technique was used to estimate the age of the solar system. Three lead isotopes (Pb-208, Pb-207, Pb-204) are used in isochrone (see http://www.talkorigins.org faqs on isochrone dating) dating with samples of earth and meteorites. See www.talkorigins.org faq on age of earth for this as well as for some Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd meteorite examples. Other points: Earth rocks, “faux amphibolite” (Quebec) dated at around 4.28 billion years using neodymium and samarium isotopes. Zircons (Western Australia) are older: 4.36 billion years.

Star Evolution Models: The gobular clusters contain the oldest stars in the galaxy. Using star evolution models to study them, scientists date these stars in the order of 11-18 billion years old, placing some possible bounds on the age of the universe.

Big Bang Model: This model is used to explain the recession of all galaxies around us (e.g. redshift), background radiation in all directions, and helps explain Einstein’s nonstatic theory of general relativity. If one “rewinds” the Big Bang explosion from its current state to the initial singularity, an estimate of the age of the universe emerges. This estimate can still vary based on the measured density/geometry of the universe (e.g. is it flat?) to things like its actual composition (e.g. amount of matter, “dark cold matter”, “dark energy”, etc.).

WMAP Satellite data: The most current estimate of the age of the universe is provided by new data from the WMAP Satellite. This suggests an age of 13.7 billion years. 13

13 See “Age of Universe” at the nasa website. http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/universe/uni_age.html

Conclusion on dates

Due to constraints of space, we have only sampled a few main ideas in modern science, yet there appear to be clear difficulties between current modern mainstream science and a literal view of the Bible.

Global flood (Noah)

Genesis 6-8 talks about a global flood (e.g. Genesis 6:5-8, Genesis 7:19-23, Genesis 8:9, Genesis 9:12) survived by Noah and the inhabitants of his ark. Furthermore, Biblical markers can also place this flood around Noah’s 600th year (Genesis 7:6) or most probably around 2200-2500 BCE14.

14 Many ways to reach this. Quick way: See previous estimates for earth around 4000 BCE add Genesis 5:3 (Adam & Seth), 5:6 (Enos), 5:9( Cainan), 5:12 (Mahalaleel), 5:15 (Jared), 5:18 (Enoch), 5:21 (Methuselah), 5:25 (Lamech), 5:28-29 (Noah), Genesis 7:6

From Genesis 7:19-24: And the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth; and all the high mountains that are under all the heavens were covered. Fifteen cubits upward the waters prevailed; and the mountains were covered. And all flesh that moved on the earth expired, fowl as well as cattle, and beasts, and all crawling things which crawl on the earth, and all mankind: everything which had in its nostrils the breath of life, of all that was on the dry [land], died. And every living being was destroyed that was on the ground, both man, and cattle, and creeping things, and fowl of the heavens; and they were destroyed from the earth. And Noah alone remained, and what was with him in the ark. And the waters prevailed on the earth a hundred and fifty days. 15

15 In contrast, the Quranic account which is not so emphatic about the flood being global (or on specific dates,) unlike the Biblical account, easily allows for the wider possible interpretations for Noah’s flood, including a local flood along a more flexible time period, sent only against the “evildoers” where Noah was resident. Likewise, the animals on the ark can easily be interpreted as a stop gap sustenance measure for the period of the local flood and a short time afterwards, not as an attempt to preserve the entire world’s species.

Two important points can be deduced from the Genesis account: 1) It was a total deluge of the planet; and 2) All living substances [outside the water] became extinct on earth, except what was in the ark.

One wonders the obvious: How were the small crew of Noah able to collect, maintain, and contain samples of all the world’s creatures and fowl in an ark only 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high (Genesis 6:15) without the use of miracles?

Archeologists have found evidence of local floods, the most well known perhaps being Woolley’s discovery in Mesopotamia (Ur)16. Which actual flood may have been Noah’s flood is uncertain. But, even that Ur flood was a local, not global flood. A global flood should have left a massive trace in the earth’s geological record, which has still not been revealed.

16 Probably dating to around 3500 BCE. Other local floods with different dates in that area include those around Shuruppak and Kish.

A global flood (around 2350 BCE) as described in the Bible seems unlikely. It would probably have been preferable to allow for a less constrained and more wide ranging set of scenarios for Noah’s flood then the version described in the Bible.


Science attempts to build models. Good scientific models explain data (including new data) better than models they replace, make verifiable predictions, and hopefully limit assumptions/axioms to that with which one may feel comfortable. Because of these reasons, for example, as new datum emerges, or assumptions are challenged, models may evolve —although normally not dramatically. Hence science can be said — in a sense — to be “in flux,” and limited to (directly or indirectly) measurable data. Unfortunately, this dependence on the quality of the data reminds one of the old adage: “Garbage in, garbage out.” In other words, if the data and/or assumptions are bad, the analysis will be flawed.

To use an overly simplistic imagined experiment, let us consider the earth. In olden days, due to our poor localized data (e.g. measuring abilities limited primarily to intuitive rough guesses with our eyesight) we might have concluded the world is flat. But today, we can take photographs of earth from space. The new data cannot sustain old conclusions. The world is clearly not flat. A paradigm shift would occur in this imagined set of experiments.

Because the horizons of science are constantly being redefined and because science is limited to measurable observations, science is probably ultimately better as a confirmer of something that is a truth than as an “undisputable disprover” of an alleged truth – even if the alleged truth does not seem to be quite right. Ultimately, some may merely note a general degree of discomfort (since several independent models were presented) between a literal reading of the Bible and the current state of modern science. 17

17 It is not our intention to upset anyone, we merely present “food for thought” and ultimately a meritocracy of ideas may prevail. We ourselves remain open to updating this section or even eliminating it.

(Excerpt from book "Easily Understand Islam")

Click to read sample chapters from the book below

Table of Contents


Section I: The Basics

What Islam is Not

What Is Islam?

Section II: General Articles

Why is there Evil and Suffering?

Why I Believe in God — A Muslim Speaks

The Quran, Modern Science, and More

Islam & Racism

Islam: A Solution for America’s Social Problems?

God and Muslims

Selections from the Quran

Some Muslim Virtues (Sayings of the Prophet)

Section III: Other Topics

Islam & the Environment

Islam & Intoxicants

Heaven and Hell


Section IV: Islam & Christianity


Common Ground: Judaism, Christianity & Islam


Muhammad in the Bible


Jesus: Man and God?

Vicarious Atonement in the “Blood of the Lamb”

The Bible & Modern Science

The Bible and the Word of God

Quran Preserved?

Section V: Islamic Resources

Islam Resources

Other books by F. Kamal